ers ffurfio yn 1996 mae fernhill erbyn heddi yn genhadon i'r diwylliant cerddorol gynhenid gymreig. maent wedi teithio
i dros ucen o wledydd dros dri cyfandir. mae'r traddodiade sy'n sbarduno'r gerddorieth yn llu ond yr un yw'r bwriad sef i
herio, swyno ac i gyrredd cnewyllyn etifeddieth a chof ac i rhannu hwn a phwy bynnag a fynno. tri cerddor sy wedi gweitho
ar shapo'r gerddorieth yn y gorffennol yw jonathan shorland, andy cutting a cass meurig. ymhlith y sawl sy wedi recordo a
whare'n fyw ta'r band yw danny kilbride, karen tweed, gerard kilbride, paula gardiner, andy coughlan, dylan fowler, jean-luc
tomas, richard llewellyn a desi wilkinson.
since they formed in 1996, fernhill have become important cultural ambassadors for wales and its music, having toured
in over 20 countries and three continents. the musical traditions that inform the individual players are many and diverse
but the common urge is to challenge, enchant and to reach into the core of a shared inheritance and memory and to make that
available to anybody who wants a piece. three musicians in the past who have helped shape the music are jonathan shorland,
andy cutting and cass meurig. musicians who have guested live and on recordings are danny kilbride, karen tweed, gerard kilbride,
paula gardiner, andy coughlan, dylan fowler, jean-luc tomas, richard llewellyn and desi wilkinson.
the band. y band
tomos williams-trumpet. corn christine cooper-fiddle, crwth. ffidil, crwth tim harries-double
bass. bas julie murphy-voice. llais ceri rhys matthews-guitar, pipes. gitar, pibe
guest musicians. cerddorion gwadd
dorian phillips aka mr nobsta nuts-voice. llais chris o'connor-double bass. bas
the band's official website