Bored with the humourless up-it's-arse drivel that's pretty much killed off rock music over the last 20 years?
You need a bloody good dose of Blue Horses.
Formed in the mid 1990's, Bluehorses are fronted by founder and lead singer Irish/Welsh Gothess Lizzy Prendergast’s
electric violin, electric Celtic harp, space-mandolin and synthesizer and led by her co-founder and co-songwriter Nic Waulker
Nics' ferociously precise drums are joined by the thundering bass of Nathan Waulker and guitar histrionics from Jay MacDonald,
producing a serious noise in a contemporary but classic rock mould. Fusing the passionate intensity of Celtic themes, a heavy
rock and roll mindset and stunning improvisations makes Bluehorses' music uniquely,er... unique!

Lizzie Prendergast |
Electric Violin: Bridge - 5-string Carbon Fibre (Endorsee)
Carbon Fibre Bow
Electric Violin: Starfish - Skeletal wood - early prototype
Camac Baby Blue electric Celtic harp
Fender 'Mandocaster' style 4-string Electric Mandolin
Various Synths
Hughes and Ketner Combo (with Blue Lights!!)
Marshal Combo
Boss GT8 effects floorboard
Digitech Whammy effects pedal